Austrian Shades are a translucent, cropped shade that looks very much like a sheer curtain.
These types of shades are really sensitive and require a gentle hands to thoroughly clean them.
One mistake might harm the whole shade.
As they are so sensitive we thoroughly clean them with a light cleaning to that is not going to effect the shade, only the fluid, and also cleaning fluid does.
Any time we clean these type of shades they are soaked and bathed in a cool h2o solvent so not to shrink them.
We are extremely gentle and careful with Austrian Shade washing. That is why its will take more time to have this kind of shade ready very fast.
After the washing they are hung and a massive hot air, a blower is pointing at them over-night for a smooth drying.
If we will simply leave shades out to dry we could risk big water marks all over the austrian shades, this is irreversible, in many cases after cleaning.
Our cold water solvent cleaning really does the trick, getting the austrian shade back to its original color and also appearance.
We ensure all the strings and rings are not broken, torn or even missing.
The moment the fabric has torn, for any reason it surely is not fixable, it should be changed.
If you find yourself not comfortable with the final results we are going to take the Austrian Shade back, redo it and have it back instantly.
And remember…We as well sell completely new Austrian Shades.
How We Do This?
We Arrange A Consultation To Issue An Estimate, If You Accept, We Are Going To Pick-Up, Clean and Deliver Your Austrian Shades As They Are Complete.
Pick-Up and Delivery Remain Totally free.
We Make use of Only Green Cleaning Products In Every Of Our Austrian Shade Cleaning Services and Also Present Our Ultrasonic Cleaning Approach.
Feel Free To Call Us, Email Us or even Chat With Us For More Information Or Simply Plan An On-Line or On-Site Quote.
With us, Drapery Cleaning Brooklyn You Are Going To Always Get Sincere, Efficient, Friendly as well as Effective Service!
Ultrasonic cleaning is a technique that employs ultrasound (normally from 20–400 kHz) and an appropriate cleaning solvent to clean items far more gently compared to hand cleaning.
The ultrasound works extremely well with a solvent recommended for the item to be cleaned and the form of soiling present increases the end results.