Luminette shades are a translucent, cropped shade that looks almost like a sheer curtain. These shades are extremely delicate and require a delicate hand to clean them. One mistake could damage the entire shade. Because they are so delicate we clean them with a light cleaning to that does not damage the shade, only the water, and cleaning fluid does. When we wash these shades they are soaked and washed in a cold water solvent so not to shrink them. We are extremely gentle and careful with luminette shade cleaning. That is why its takes a bit longer to have this type of shade ready very quickly. After the cleaning they are hung and a huge warm air, a blower is directed at them overnight for an even drying. We offer commercial and residential service. We offer free estimates, free removal, free pick-up, free delivery and free rehanging of your luminette shade.
Our Cleaning Process
After the initial scheduling we will then arrive, see what kind of cleaning will bring the best results, hand wash or ultrasonic cleaning.
If you agree with what was discussed we will pick up your luminette shade, clean them and then contact you when they are ready for delivery.
We use only eco-friendly products in our luminette shade cleaning services.
Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that uses ultrasound (usually from 20–400 kHz) and an appropriate cleaning solvent to clean items more gently than hand cleaning.
The ultrasonic service can be used with a solvent appropriate for the item to be cleaned and the type of soiling present enhances the effect.
What Else We Offer
We repair and replace the cord that pull your luminette shade up and down.
We repair and replace the cord that going into the holes of the slats which hold the blinds as your tilt them to let light in.
We replace the cotton, thick strips that hold all the slats from the top to the bottom.
If we have a match, we can also replace the cord lock on the top portion of your luminette shade.
We sell and install all new luminette shade in all different colors.
So next time you are looking for a trustworthy luminette shade cleaning, repair or sales company contact us, Drapery Cleaning Brooklyn.
Drapery Cleaning Brooklyn 718-576-1491