Cloth fabric Panels can be found in hundreds of fabrics and also styles, which explains what makes it such a fantastic experience to create your individual customized window panels with us.
We carry out very professional on-site and off-site cleaning on most Panels. We remove them, leave the accessories up and after delivery re-hang them.
When you are painting or even having any kind of home construction executed we are able to store Panels for you for as long as 3 months at simply no added cost.
We make use of our fragile cleaning products and then process to thoroughly clean all fabric and also non-fabric Panels.
A key point to any kind of Panel Window Covering will be to thoroughly clean and also take care of them every so often, once you discover spills on them in that case have them extracted quickly.
When we perform Panel cleaning we make sure to fully get rid of all dust and grime ensuring that after they are delivered back to you they really are shiny as well as clean.
We do all minor and even major Panel cleanings, from private cleaning to professional cleaning.
We also perform almost all off-site Panel repair work.
If you are not pleased with the end results we are going to take the Panels back, redo it and have it back right away.
And remember…We as well provide new Panels.
How We Do This?
We Set Up A Scheduled Appointment To Issue An Estimate, If You Accept, We Are Going To Pick-Up, Thoroughly clean and then Deliver Your Panels When They Are Complete.
Pick-Up and Delivery Are Normally Free.
We Employ Only Green Cleaning Products In All Of Our Panel Cleaning Services and Also Provide Our Ultrasonic Cleaning Method.
Feel Free To Call Us, E-Mail Us and even Chat With Us For More Information Or Even To Plan An On-Line or On-Site Estimation.
With us, Drapery Cleaning Brooklyn You Will Always Get Honest, Fast, Friendly and Decent Service!
Ultrasonic cleaning is a procedure that uses ultrasound (commonly from 20–400 kHz) and a correct cleaning solvent to clean items more carefully in comparison with hand cleaning.
The ultrasound can be utilized with a solvent right for the item to be cleaned and the type of soiling present boosts the end results.