On all Theater/Stage Drapes as well as Curtains cleaning require a Fire Retardant Solution to be sprayed on them after the cleaning procedure is finished, it really is a Fire Code requirement.
Theaters should provide an existing certificate of flame retardant utilization, we do this. Unlike different cleaning companies, we never charge extra to do this service, it is included when performing the cleaning.
Theater/Stage Drapes and also Curtains function as a filter gripping flying dust, contaminants, chemical substances, not to mention allergens.
Unclean Theater/Stage Drapes and Curtains result into lower indoor air condition which can terribly affect the well-being of any one who might be allergic or even sensitive to debris as well as dirt.
Once your Theater/Stage Draperies and Curtains have begun to “dry rot” they cannot be cleaned or fixed, as a result you need to maintain them periodically.
We carry out all on-site and off-site Theater/Stage Drapes and Curtains Cleaning except if they are too huge to take off and then re-hang. Sometimes it’s less expensive and more simple to clean these Theater/Stage Drapes or Curtains on site.
We have already been cleaning Theater/Stage Drapes and Curtains more than fifteen years. Our process is the only way to thoroughly clean Theater/Stage Drapes and Curtains.
Our Theater/Stage Draperies as well as Curtain's cleaning service is not like dry cleaners, our exceptional method is both ecologically and even fabric friendly.
We undoubtedly guarantee we are going to not harm your Theater/Stage Drapes and Curtains, assuring absolutely no shrinkage with zero discoloration.
In case you are not pleased with the end results we are going to take the Theater/Stage Draperies as well as Curtains back, redo it and have it back right away.
And remember…We as well offer brand new Theater/Stage Draperies and Curtains.
How We Do This?
We Arrange A Consultation To Provide An Estimate, Once You Confirm, We Are Going To Pick-Up, Thoroughly clean and then Deliver Your Theater/Stage Drapes or Curtains As They Are Complete.
Pick-Up and Delivery Are Normally Free of charge.
We Apply Only Green Solutions In Every Of Our Theater/Stage Drape and also Curtain Cleaning Services or Even Provide Our Ultrasonic Cleaning Technique.
Feel Free To Call Us, Email Us or even Chat With Us For More Information Or Simply Schedule An On-Line or On-Site Estimate.
With us, Drapery Cleaning Brooklyn You Are Going To Always Get Honest, Fast, Helpful as well as Decent Service!
Ultrasonic cleaning is a procedure that utilizes ultrasound (typically from 20–400 kHz) and an appropriate cleaning solvent to clean items far more delicately compared to hand cleaning.
The ultrasound works extremely well with a solvent suited for the item to be cleaned and the form of soiling present enhances the effect.